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Rope noseband, three-piece sweet iron dog-bone mouthpiece combination bit. 2.5" Slide with more leverage than the short cheek combination. More ideal for stronger, faster ponies needing more of a warning and rate when turning. 


Availble in 4.0" and 4.5" mouthpieces. Chain curb included. 


How does a combination bit work?

Combination bits are designed to send signals over several different areas., When adjusted correctly, as the rider engages the reins, the pony will initially feel pressure on the nose, poll (behind the ears) and back of the chin where the curb is located. As the rider continues to pull, the mouthpiece will engage.

The "gag" or "slide" that the bit moves along allows the bit to gradually engage instead of having the full impact of the bit right away. This gives the pony a chance to react before the bit is fully engaged.

With this bit, both the noseband and the shanks encourage ponies to keep their noses level, which helps their entire body stay balanced and collected for quicker turns, faster stops and more overall control.

Therefore, the combination bit is a great speed event bit as it allows the rider to prepare their pony for turning and stopping through many different signals before the bit is fully engaged. This also gives the pony many different opportunities to respond before they feel the full pressure of the different parts of the bit.

NOTE: Introduce all bits for a few days before using at fast speeds. The combination bit can be confusing and overwhelming if an adjustment period at slower speeds isn't allowed.


DISCLAIMER: No bit will replace proper horsemanship. We always encourage riders, especially young and beginner riders, to look into balance and what their human body is doing before changing bits. If the rider continues to send the wrong signals, bit changes will only be a temporary fix. 


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