Caught Up
It’s easy to get busy and distracted.
Different seasons in life bring different excitements, goals, plans, ideas and obstacles. We have our winning, learning, losing and growing seasons. Our ages changes and we go from elementary to junior high, up to college then getting a job. The real adulting doesn’t seem to hit until the upper 20s.
In all of those changes we experience so many things! Some of these things can distract us from who we really and the goals we have. When we start to make a lifestyle change and step into the next level of ourselves it can be really difficult to resist getting sucked back into the comfort zone of familiarity.
We all struggle with that sometimes. I’ve been struggling with it lately. Some truly exciting changes in some parts of my life have me slipping in other parts of my life and that’s okay! It’s okay because I’m aware of it and I’m willing to make the necessary adjustments to get back on track.
Change is messy. Growth is messy. Leveling up is messy.
Sometimes I get caught up in seeing people become what appear to be “successful” and forget what it looks like behind the scenes. The fears, doubts and worries they faced. The self-doubt, confusion and moments sitting on the floor, in the truck, at the kitchen table just praying for help and guidance. The breakdowns where they weren’t sure if they could keep going. The courage it took to be vulnerable and shed the self-limiting beliefs that wanted to keep them safe and comfortable while stepping into the unknown.
If you’re in one of these spaces, give yourself some grace! Go take a nap. Get outside and listen to the bird’s chirp for five minutes. Allow yourself some time to reflect, assess and be honest with yourself. Accept the messiness of it all and laugh about it a little. Let go of the seriousness, let go of the mistakes, let go of the patterns you’ve fallen back into, let go of the timeline.
Take a deep breath, recalibrate, make a plan and go after it! Trust in his timing! He’s making you stronger in the messiness! He’s teaching you the lessons you need to learn to carry out your purpose and to be able to support others who are in your shoes today, in the future!
Embrace the journey my friends! Go after what sets your soul on fire. You are powerful beyond belief. God has a BIG plan for you. Step into it, let him guide you through the valleys where you get bogged down in the mud. Let him fertilize, pollinate, grow, gain support and get the vitamins and nutrition you need to climb up that next mountain.