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Gut Curious

A theme of conversation lately on our TikTok, with the RodeoKids Ambassador Team and more surrounds the idea of forming your own thoughts. In a fast paced, information overload world, it's easy to get caught up in scrolling through so many thoughts of others, we forget to develop our own.

Do you know why you think what you think, believe what you believe, say what you say?

A little example I'd like to share with you:

I have two bibles! I started with the one on the right which is a New International Version. It has little footnotes to explain what some of the words mean or other small descriptions, but for the most part, it’s scripture.

After reading that one all the way through and using it for a few years after, I bought a NIV Life Application Study Bible. This Bible goes through verse by verse and explains what every verse means in more modern day, relatable terms.

Both serve a purpose and both are important.

Reading the one without the notes, allowed me to connect with God and get really curious about what different things mean and apply it to my life as I know it. I had to do some research in my conversations with him, with others and, of course, I used a little Google help too.

The one with notes allows me to stretch beyond my own thoughts and compare how I read it and apply it to my life. It often offers a different perspective than what I come up with on my own. But, I needed a basis of what my own thoughts first, before I can even form a new perspective.

And, maybe, just maybe, my first thoughts can help someone else in a conversation, while theirs can help me.

Too often in life, we’re letting someone else form our thoughts for us and just rolling with them without considering how it actually may or may not apply to where we’re at in life. Or, how another persons thoughts, opinions or “notes” on something without comparing we’ve come up on our own, can lead us down roads that aren’t meant for us.

Opinions, conversations, discussions, thoughts, concepts, and theories aren't a competition! They're a necessary part of cultivating, creating, learning and gaining not only knowledge but wisdom. Its important to have a well-rounded perspective so we can make quality choices for ourselves, those around us and the future!

Point of the story is, take time to form your own thoughts, opinions and questions, do your own research and have conversations with knowledgeable people. Sure, your thoughts might change after that, and/or maybe theirs will. Regardless, you’ll both have a deeper understanding of why you believe what you do, you’ll have built a stronger relationship with God and the people who you reach out to, and you’ll be able to pass on what you’ve learned to the next person who is curious. About the Bible, relationships, government, horses, rodeo, all the things!

Get curious!


Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

-Romans 12:2


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