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How to find & enter events

Getting started can be intimidating, but TOTALLY WORTH IT! Remember that we were all once a beginner and don't give up if it gets a little tricky sometimes. With social media and everyone having their own pages, it's gotten harder to find where to go if you're new to it. Ask questions. If you don't get the answer, ask more questions! Be persistent and you'll know all the ropes before you know it!

How do I find an event near me?

  1. Find someone in your area who is involved.

  2. Post where you’re located and the kind of event you’re looking for on your social media.

  3. Search on Facebook for groups that have anything to do with horses, rodeo, NBHA, 4H or anything else related to the kind of events you want to participate in.

    1. Ask questions in those groups.

    2. Send private messages to people who are admins or active.

  4. Google Search

  5. Find a Cowboy Church in your state, it’s a small world, everyone knows everyone

  6. Contact your local extension office

  7. Make friends! People are your best connection.

  8. Search phrase ideas:

    • Rodeo events near me

    • Youth rodeos near me

    • Cowboy Churches in … (state)

    • Rodeos in …. (county/state)Youth rodeo associations in…. (county/state)

    • Rodeo associations in…. (county/state)

    • Horse associations near…. (county/state)

    • (state) high school rodeo association

    • (state) junior high rodeo association

    • (event) jackpots near me (i.e. barrel racing jackpots near me)

    • (event) associations in (state)

    • Saddle clubs in (state)

    • 4H clubs in (county/state)

    • Youth rodeo associations

    • Junior rodeo association

    • Fun shows

Once I've found an event, what's next?

I'm committed, what do I need to do between now and the day of the event?

It's the day of, what do I do when I get there?


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